How to Survive & Thrive In The Midst of the “Disrupters”


Today’s Brokerage model is being challenged by new start up models, rapidly changing technology, private funding, sign on bonuses and new options for consumers that have never seen before. These changes are hitting fast and hard, catching many Brokers, and agents, off guard. Disrupters disrupt that way things have always been done, but is that a terrible thing? Not always. It depends on how you respond to the disruption. Those who understand how to work in a market, filled with disruption, will come out the winners!


  • How to deliver a powerful, value based interview that will attract the best agents without writing them a check.
  • When the success of your agents is connected to your tools and systems, you won’t lose them!
  • Who are the real disrupters in today’s market?
  • If you are not going up 3 levels, there is a good chance that you are not showing enough value. I will teach you this new technique designed for today’s market.
  • How to diffuse “the check”. Our Brokers have their agents laughing at attempts to buy their loyalty, even with a $50,000.00 check.

Time: 60-90 minutes (can be expanded up to 3 hours to include role play and skill development)